LUNA (Linguistic Underpinnings of Narrative in Aphasia) was awarded a Development Grant from the Stroke Association, and began in May 2018.
LUNA is a three year project focusing on personal storytelling for people with aphasia, with end-users (NHS SLTs and people with aphasia) involved from the outset to address future implementation. The project will include
- a literature review of discourse models and discourse production treatment in aphasia;
- explore SLTs’ discourse practice and factors affecting this, via UK-wide survey;
- co-design of therapy resources with key stakeholders;
- SLT training and fidelity tools;
- a quasi-randomised feasibility study.
LUNA is led by Madeline Cruice and Lucy Dipper, with co-investigators Jane Marshall, Nicola Botting, Mary Boyle (Montclair State University, New Jersey), and Deborah Hersh (Edith Cowan University, Western Australia). Project staffing includes Madeleine Pritchard as post-doctoral researcher, and four research assistant posts which will be advertised.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported the project thus far: the SLT Leads and Therapy Managers; and the many research students who’ve worked with us over the past 3 years on pilots towards LUNA.