About LUNA
LUNA stands for Language Underpins Narrative in Aphasia. LUNA is a novel discourse treatment that considers the needs of its users from the outset of the project. LUNA focuses on people telling personal stories with aphasia. Personal stories are important in everyday communication. For example, we use stories to share important experiences; things we have been doing; and things we’ve seen. LUNA will develop the Speech and Language Therapy evidence base on discourse therapies for people with aphasia.
We would love to hear from you – please share your thoughts commenting on our blog, getting in touch by email, or getting in touch via Twitter.
LUNA Phases
LUNA has 5 phases:
- synthesising existing work on discourse;
- surveying Speech and Language Therapists;
- co-designing LUNA materials;
- training Speech and Language Therapists;
- testing LUNA with people with aphasia.
LUNA is an exciting collaboration between speech and language therapy, clinical linguistics, and psychology. LUNA has a research team from the UK, the USA, and Australia. The LUNA advisory group is made up of consultants with aphasia and Speech and Language Therapists.
LUNA will benefit people with post-stroke aphasia by: improving their language function; improving discourse ability impacting on engagement in conversation; reducing the negative impact that aphasia has on their lives; and improving their mood and quality of life.
Stay updated
We will share updates as LUNA progresses. Follow us
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via our ResearchGate page
There’s lots we would love to share about storytelling; and about the theory and research feeding into LUNA. We’ve listed some of this here.