
Visit our dedicated MATRIx study website here with all of the study results.

The MATRIx study is led by researchers at City University of London in collaboration with experts  across the UK. MATRIx reviewed the research evidence on what prevents women who are pregnant or after birth to get the support and treatment they need if they are struggling with emotional or psychological problems. On the basis of these reviews we developed recommendations for healthcare services about how to tackle these barriers to make sure women and families get the help they need. The project involved experts and stakeholders from many different backgrounds and disciplines.

The MATRIx study had 3 parts:

  • MATRIx Review One reviewed and summarised the research evidence on why it has been difficult to implement assessment, care and treatment for perinatal mental health problems in health and social care services.
  • MATRIx Review Two reviewed and summarised the research evidence on what the barriers are to women getting the care and treatment they need. There is a lot of evidence in this area so we did a meta-review of published evidence reviews to look at what the main barriers are to women getting help.
  • Maternity MATRIx brought together panels of experts to discuss the results of MATRIx and identify key points in terms of factors that prevent women from getting the care they need and how to address these. These panels involved women and men with experience of perinatal mental health problems, healthcare professionals, commissioners and managers. The MATRIx framework and recommendations will be shared with relevant health and social care services to help improve care for women with perinatal mental health problems.

The MATRIx study is running alongside the MAP study to make sure women with perinatal mental health problems get the help and support they need.


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