
Machine Learning Blog

Cognitive Computation Symposium: Thinking Beyond Deep Learning, 27 Feb 2018

News, Seminar.
We were proud to host a Symposium on Cognitive Computation at City, University of London.
The event sold-out and counted with the following speakers, whom we thank for their contribution:

Eduardo Alonso, City, University of London.
Antoine Bordes, Facebook AI Research.
Artur d'Avila Garcez, City, University of London.
Edward Grefenstette, DeepMind.
Barbara Hammer, Bielefeld University.
Kristian Kersting, TU Darmstadt.
Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London.
Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College London.
Alessandra Russo, Imperial College London.
Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
Michael Spranger, Sony.
Francesca Toni, Imperial College London.
Volker Tresp, LMU Munich & Siemens.
Frank van Harmelen, VU Amsterdam.
Geraint Wiggins, VU Brussel & Queen Mary, University of London.
Michael Witbrock, IBM research
Willem Zuidema, University of Amsterdam.

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