
Machine Learning Blog

Monthly Archives: December 2018

NeurIPS 2018 and End-of-Year ML party

News, Seminar.

Tillman Weyde, Rahda Kopparti, Dan Philps and Artur Garcez attended and presented papers at NeurIPS 2018 in Montreal, Canada, during the week of 3 Dec 2018. Dan and Artur provided an informal overview of their impressions of NeurIPS to the ML group’s End-of-Year meeting on 14 Dec 2018. Thanks to Benedikt Wagner for organising the meeting.


Research Visit

News, Seminar.

Luciano Serafini (FBK, Trento, Italy) and Michael Spranger (Sony CSL, Tokyo, Japan) visited City’s Research Centre for Machine Learning during the week of 10 Dec 2018. The main focus of the visit was to continue research collaborations on Logic Tensor Networks. LTNs are a deep learning system implemented in Tensorflow, capable of reasoning with first-order many-valued logic. For more information, please check the webpage of the IJCAI’2018 tutorial on LTNs:


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