Prologue : Three TeaPots – Donald A Norman

Donald Norman’s prologue “Emotion and Design- Attractive things work better, “Norman (2002) posit the aesthetic usability experience is where a user will perceive an attractive product as easier to use than an ugly one. As a good-human centred product personality influences our perception as such that users will make subconscious concessions and overlook many difficulties.

It says that design matters, but its preferability varies depending on the occasion, the context and the mood, emphasizing different teapots exemplified on its usability, aesthetics and practicality. Quoting, all pleasurable things are not necessarily usable.

He also exemplifies the notion that beauty is indeed usable. Therefore, it’s a hidden danger to neglect aesthetics and should be kept at par with the functionality aspect.

As the design of the system influences the positive or negative affect, thereby the affective system impacts the cognition and behaviour of the user.
The neurochemicals releases a positive valence to the environment thereby enabling a correlation between latency in task abandonment in relation to better aesthetic. Also, it creates a broader imagining power of an individual, while enhancing the usability. On the contrary, negative affect creates a tunnel vision leading to more frustration but not distractible.

Positing the importance of all the works done so far in the usability field, Norman strides at keeping balance between beauty and usability since a pleasant aspect along with well-functioning and understandable, is always more beneficial.

Affective and cognitive analyses needs an increased recognition for aesthetic keeping usability on par in the typical design process.