Daily Archives: September 6, 2012

Liam Cagney publishes in Musical Criticism, Sinfini Classical and the Daily Telegraph

Doctoral student Liam Cagney, who is being supervised by Ian Pace, has recently had a few articles published in the press.

Back in March he interviewed the Irish composer Gerald Barry for Musical Criticism (http://www.musicalcriticism.com/interviews/barry-0312.shtml), and reviewed Einstein on the Beach at the Barbican for the same publication (http://www.musicalcriticism.com/opera/einstein-0512.shtml).

For Sinfini Classical, a classical music website funded by Universal Records, he wrote an article on Minimalism and pop music; the first article in a four-part series which will explore contemporary classical music’s crossovers with other genres (http://blog.sinfinimusic.com/classical-connections-1-minimalism-meets-pop/).

And during the summer, Liam reviewed the premiere production of George Benjamin’s new opera Written on Skin at Festival Aix in France for the Daily Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/opera/9403789/Written-on-Skin-Festival-Aix-review.html).