Twentieth International Conference on Learning SCHOLARLY EXPLORATIONS theme parallel session Perspectives of International Baccalaureate Teachers: Results from the Teaching Perspectives Inventory Dr. Liz Baynard, International Baccalaureate Organization, United States — Dr. Michael Dean, International Baccalaureate Organization, United States

This research project aimed to provide empirically grounded data from the international baccalaureate teaching profession. The study examined the beliefs and practices of this specific population and helped to promote reflection. A mixed methods approach was used with a literature review, online survey, focus groups and documentary analysis. They used Collinas & Pratt (2003) Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI) which was a 45 item inventory including areas such as transmission, developmental and nurturing.

The online survey 14,407 were invited to participate between July 2010 and April 2011. There were 3,194 (22%) responses. There was an over representation of diploma programme staff and under representation of the Americas. There was no significant difference in gender responses. The average International Baccalaureate teacher profile dominance was Nuturing.

There is some further review of data to do using multivariate analysis.

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