Twentieth International Conference on Learning workshops strand Teaching Excellence from Whose Perspective? Dr. Pamela Parker, City University London, United Kingdom

 This is the workshop I provided to share the work we had been doing through the change academy project for recognising teaching excellence and to see if those who participated in the workshop agreed with the findings to date or had other views. There were 22 participants in the workshop from 7 countries and it was very lively for the last session of the day.

 Following some presentation  by me we undertook two activities. The first was to get everyone to notes down on separate post-its three things that indicated excellent teaching to them. These were then placed on a flip chart grouped and we discussed some of the things people had listed. There was quite a lot of overlap for some. Here is a photo of the flip chart.

Next the participants then considered how they would assess the things they identified as being excellence teaching. Again there was a lot of discussion and agreement for many areas. Here is a picture of all the post it notes from that activity grouped as well





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