ISSOTL13 Individual Paper Moving SoTL Forward: Engaging Students as Co-Researchers in Institutional Inquiry and Assessment Scott Paul Simkins (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Karen Hornsby (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Tawanna Franklin (Student North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University), Alice Moore (Student North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University)

This initiative was about getting more of a focus on teaching and learning and the scholarship of this. They wanted to move the institution to have more of an inquiry approach so have questions rather than problems, inquiry rather than accountability and action not just reporting.

Students were brought in because it was felt they could dig deeper into students’ needs and thoughts, capture their views more accurately and having students as co-researchers would develop their research skills.

The student voice is important in Universities because it thickens and contextualises evidence, challenges faculty and staff narratives about students, enables them to make a difference at their institution and reflect on their own role in their education.

The Wabash Provost scholars scheme was developed in 2008-09.

Students were given training in developing questions, using surveys, undertaking interviews and focus groups and ethics of undertaking studies. They also practised these skills on each other as part of their training.

Once trained, the students undertook research that was a priority for the institution and, they contacted eligible students for studies via e-mail. If they were doing interviews or focus groups they wore T-shirts that indicated they were Wabash provost scholars.

Once all the data is collected the students work together as a group with support to analyse the data including transcribing interviews, identifying appropriate quotes for reports etc. The students write the reports from the study and then they go public with the results. This includes departmental, institution and national/international conferences. They also have a website where all the reports are published.

This scheme engages all types of students but most are undergraduate. The students are not paid but are given 1 academic credit per semester for their involvement as these scholars.

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