SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning and Assessment Conference 2015, Internationalising the Curriculum: What does this mean? How can we achieve it? 14th -15th May 2015, Marriott Victoria and Albert Hotel, Manchester. Unpacking the lesson learnt from an educational development focused MOOC for internationalising the curriculum Donna Ziegenfuss, Cynthia Furse






There had been a grant to do this. They used the HEA internationalising higher education framework (2014). This took place in the US and grew from faculty interest. The project was a course design action research process and used Finks model as well but adapted this from 12 steps to 4.  There were also three principles used which were it was online, changing pedagogy and had technical phases.

The course has 3 modules which were:

  • Module 1 introduction to flipping for 2 weeks
  • Module 2 engaging students online and creating videos 2 weeks
  • Module 3 engaging students in-class but online

Flipping is not just about the technology and there is a good resource from the University of Texas which can be found at the link http//

There is a need to consider the purpose of this change first and this team had a focus on PBL scenarios, videos, role play online application and reading materials.

There were lessons learnt such as rethinking the curriculum organisation. The faculty benefitted from reflection and students could chunk their learning. There was a need to focus on the bigger picture and the process. This has led to a rethink around academic development. Quality matters.

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