Co-designing Video Case Studies with Teachers as a Strategy to Document the Evolution of Teaching Approaches: A Focus on the Adoption of Technology Dr. Ann-Louise Davidson, Education Department Educational Technology Program, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

17 million phone in Ecuador for 15 million people. Most projects aim to develop educational software and do not focus on teacher development. Problems included HE reforms which forced university professors to integrate technology into their teaching with limited support and adopting innovative teaching approaches.

The objectives of this study were to adopt the Ipad as a technological tool, adopt PBL, create a research community and provide teachers with technological resources.

The study had 8 staff involved and used Desjardins 2005 technology profile questionnaire. There were pre and post tests and interviews prior to the project and post. Ipad were given out and training to use them was provided and there were also monthly meetings to discuss progress. Usually projects were top down designs but this was from the grass roots and invited the participants to design activities and so they became co-creators.

The pre project interviews showed that participants used classical teaching approaches, textbooks provided the content, the assessments were all summative, there was communication with students but this could be better, they had limited knowledge of PBL and they needed resources to encourage critical thinking.  Their aims with technology were to gain technical skills, social skills, informational skills and epistemological skills. They also wanted to learn how to create PBL open resources and classroom management.

The results showed that most had tried to develop and use PBL open resources, teaching provided more authentic learning and one professor was using the ipad in class. The questionnaire showed all had improved their skills.

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