Resources for online experiments

> Resources for online experiments
Software Access What it does Users happy to offer help Tutorials Comments
Qualtrics City provides access Questionnaires; Fairly simple experiments that don’t require timing Tutorials from Stian Reimers: (and then substitute 1 for numbers 2 to 7 to get all other tutorials)
PsychoPy Free, open source Psychophysics; good control in experiments; allows for a lot of flexibility and variation in experimental design. GUI and code-based options Paper: ; The developer got a grant from the Wellcome Trust to make it online and it’s now working. I (Lucia) saw a demo last year and it looked fantastic, but haven’t used it yet (though I’ve been meaning to…)
lab.js Free, open source Experiments with presentation of stimuli and recording of responses. GUI and code-based options
Testable Commercial. We have a departmental account (no fees, no commissions) until September. Experiments with presentation of stimuli and recording of responses. No coding required as you design experiment in excel Lucia, Ansgar They provide department accounts. The Department of Psychology at City has a free account (no fees, no commissions) until September. You need to use you City e-mail. To read in the testable data, you can do so with the two lines
data <- read.testable.results(yourFolder)
where yourFolder is the folder where your data is located. Commercial. Not free, commission for each participant tested Experiments with presentation of stimuli and recording of responses. GUI based. Lots of people/departments use it and seems very easy. I think they provide department accounts.
Shiny from R Studio Free, open source Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more. Great for interactive graphs. If you need to sequence stimuli with more than one duration per trial, this is somewhat cumbersome (Ansgar) You may want to check it if you know R
JSPsych Free Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more. I think all experiments need to be code based (javascript)
Meadows Commercial. Not free, commission for each participant tested Experiments with presentation of stimuli and recording of responses. Especially useful for using the multiple arrangement method (i.e. similarity judgments in multidimensional space). I’d say just use it if you want to do this
PCIbex for Online Experiments Free Haven’t looked at it yet… Developed for psycho-linguistic experiments. Based on javascript but with with interface
FindingFive Free Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more
PsyToolkit Free Basic script-based experiment builder with its own scripting language. Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more
NodeGame Free Javascript based experiment builder with option for multi-participant designs . Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more
LionessLab Free A simple online experiment builder that allows for interactive experiments. Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more
O-tree Free Python based experiment builder with option for multi-participant designs. Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more
OpenSesame Free Online experiment builder with minimal GUI, using both javascript and python. Haven’t looked at it yet… Please fill in if you know more


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