Preparation: 20 minutes
Group and whole class activity








In its most basic form, a role play is between two people, pretending to be in a situation, either with or without a script. It usually takes place in front of the rest of the group

Adapted from Learning at City’s series of blog posts around creative teaching activities. Check the original post for more details about the activity, variations and references.


For a role play between two people:

  • Describe a scenario on a piece of paper or card around a topic or subject explaining what each person in the scenario has to act out. Define each character’s background information.
  • Split the class into groups of three. The two role players and one observer
  • Ask the role players to spend up to 10 minutes reading this information and getting into character. Give the observer a set of points to observe during the interaction.
  • Once the role play(s) are over, it is important to have a debrief, where the main points to come out of the role play(s) can be discussed by the group.

What the activity achieves:

  • Offers a safe space to explore own or others behaviours to develops empathy and to try out different scenarios and outcomes.
  • Can replicate an authentic situation
  • Gives opportunities for immediate and delayed feedback from peers and teachers
