City Sociology

The news feed from the Department of Sociology at City University London

Going Public? The selfie and digital photography

Michael James Walsh and Stephanie Alice Baker have published a new article in Information, Communication & Society. Drawing upon Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach, this paper situates the phenomenon of the ‘selfie’ in light of increasing concerns about privacy. The ‘selfie’ is a contemporary form of self-portraiture, representing a photographic image of the human face. Images…

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Conversation article on EU-Afghan deal

Liza Schuster explains the background to the Joint Way Forward agreement imposed on the This agreement allows EU member states to deport Afghans back to a countrAfghan government.  still in conflict, already in crisis as battles in Kunduz and Lashkar Gar have increased the number of internally displaced to 1.3 million, and 1000s are deported daily from…

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