City Sociology

The news feed from the Department of Sociology at City University London

The Jeremy Tunstall Global Media Research Centre continued its seminar series this week with Marco Bastos

On Wednesday the 6th of December, Marco Bastos, Lecturer, City, University of London, gave the following talk.   Title: “Brexit Botnet and the Strategic Deployment of Tiwtterbots”   Abstract: In this talk we explore the Brexit debate on Twitter in the weeks leading up to the referendum vote. We discuss novel research uncovering a large network of Twitterbots…

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New book by Jean Chalaby: “L’era dei format: La svolta radicale dell’intrattenimento televisivo”

Dalla seconda metà degli anni Novanta, I format hanno avuto un impatto inaudito sulla television, sui suoi linguaggi e di conseguenza sulle nostre abitudini di consumo. I primi grandi format hanno diffuso in tutto il mondo programme identici: titoli come Grande fratello or Chi vuol essere milionario? portano gli stessi brand globali sulla tv italiana…

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New book by Gerbrand Tholen “Graduate Work: Skills, Credentials, Careers, and Labour Markets” (OUP: 2017)

Gerbrand Tholen had published a new book on the work typically performed by workers with university degrees. The expansion of Higher Education has been one of the most important changes to affect Western labour markets. More than a third of all British workers are now degree holders. The graduate labour market is often understood as…

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