City Sociology

The news feed from the Department of Sociology at City University London

Round 8: second edition of European Social Survey data released

We are pleased to announce that the second edition of data and documentation for European Social Survey (ESS) Round 8 was published today (Wednesday 30 May 2018).

CROss-National Online Survey Panel data now available

Survey data collected online through the Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS) project is now available to download.

Trump, Brexit and Corbyn: Social Media, Authenticity and Post-Truth Politics

On the 4th of May, City, University of London, hosted the following event, organised by Professor Petros Iosifidis (City, University of London) & Professor Mark Wheeler (London Metropolitan University). During the first two decades of the Twenty-First Century, the Internet emerged from being an add-on to the television based campaigns in western liberal democracies to becoming…

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