New data search and download service
The European Social Survey (ESS) has launched a new search and download service designed to make it easier to access and reuse relevant data and documentation.
Developed through the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project, this initial beta version of the service allows users to search for words included amongst our entire dataset.
Following a short registration to use ESS search and download – Beta, data can be accessed for 17,000 variables and downloaded in 52 data files.
At this stage, data for a specific variable can only be downloaded as part of the latest version of the integrated file for each ESS round.
Contact form, interviewer’s questionnaire (including interview timings) and test (MTMM) data is also available, alongside relevant documentation, for each round.
The integrated – or main data file – for each round of the ESS includes data for all questions collected in all participating countries.
This beta version of the service is currently a work in progress, which is why the existing search and download option remain available.
The service has been created by Sikt – Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (formerly NSD – Norwegian Centre for Research Data) as part of their work on SSHOC.
The tool is the first step in realising the goals of the SSHOC project, by making ESS data accessible as part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The tool and its content will be updated continuously to improve access to ESS data and documentation in the coming months.
By April, it will be supplemented by functionalities for online analysis and visualization. Feedback is welcome.
Use the new service now: ESS search and download – Beta
SSHOC, “Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud”, has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.