Several sessions directly related to the European Social Survey (ESS) have been selected for the 2023 European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference in Milan, Italy.
The European Social Survey (ESS) has published a call for papers aimed at those who wish to present their research at the ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference in Prague, Czechia, on 13-14 October 2022.
Online registration for the 4th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference – being held at the University of Mannheim (Germany) during April 2019 – is now open.
Leading academics can now submit their research using our data to be considered for inclusion at the 4th International European Social Survey (ESS) Conference being held in Germany during April 2019.
The 4th International ESS Conference – Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality – will take place at the University of Mannheim in Germany on 24-26 April 2019.