City Sociology

The news feed from the Department of Sociology at City University London

Comparing Australian and European attitudes

Analysis of survey responses to the same questions asked to respondents in Australia and Europe were presented at a webinar last week (Monday 20 February).

SSH Open Cluster announces new chair

Projects involved in the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cluster have elected a chair and vice-chair to lead the organisation in 2023.

New data search and download service

The European Social Survey (ESS) has launched a new search and download service designed to make it easier to access and reuse relevant data and documentation.

European Social Survey involved in new climate change project

The European Social Survey (ESS) will participate in a new Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop a systematic greenhouse gas measurement system for urban areas.

Upcoming call for online panel questions

In March 2021, the European Social Survey (ESS) will be inviting applications to design a set of questions to be fielded on a cross-national online panel during 2022.

European Social Survey awarded major Horizon 2020 grant

The European Social Survey (ESS) has been awarded almost €5 million in funding from the European Commission to lead a new Horizon 2020 project – SUSTAIN 2 – from January 2020.

New Horizon 2020 project begins

The European Social Survey (ESS) has begun working on a new Horizon 2020 project, the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC).

European Social Survey part of new project

The European Social Survey (ESS) is a partner organisation involved in a new Europe-wide project aimed at assessing children’s health and well-being, led by researchers based at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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