City Sociology

The news feed from the Department of Sociology at City University London

New Horizon 2020 project begins

The European Social Survey (ESS) has begun working on a new Horizon 2020 project, the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC).

ESS Director visits University of Western Australia

Professor Rory Fitzgerald, the director of the European Social Survey (ESS), delivered a public lecture at the University of Western Australia in Perth on 19 February 2019.

Jowell-Kaase Prize winner revealed

The recipient of €1,000 as part of the 2019 Jowell-Kaase Early Career Researcher Prize has been announced by the European Social Survey (ESS).

Cumulative Data File updated

The European Social Survey (ESS) has updated its cumulative data file for the first eight rounds of the survey.

Exploring democracy and digital communication

Questions measuring attitudes towards democracy and media and communication will be included in Round 10 of the European Social Survey (ESS).

Round 8: second edition of European Social Survey data released

We are pleased to announce that the second edition of data and documentation for European Social Survey (ESS) Round 8 was published today (Wednesday 30 May 2018).

CROss-National Online Survey Panel data now available

Survey data collected online through the Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS) project is now available to download.

Details of 2019 European Social Survey conference announced

The 4th International ESS Conference – Turbulent times in Europe: Instability, insecurity and inequality – will take place at the University of Mannheim in Germany on 24-26 April 2019.

First Spanish Congress announced

The Spanish National Committee of the European Social Survey (ESS) has announced that its first Spanish Congress event will be held in Madrid during September 2018.

European Social Survey part of new project

The European Social Survey (ESS) is a partner organisation involved in a new Europe-wide project aimed at assessing children’s health and well-being, led by researchers based at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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