
Growing up (just in time for my 18th birthday!)

I think I’ve done more growing up this October than I have in the past few years – and the month still isn’t over! University is scary and new for everyone, but not everyone experiences it by themselves in a different country when they’re still technically a child. I was terrified, but I’ve had no real choice but to dive in headfirst, divide and conquer. In terms of school, I’ve learned – this just in! Shocking news! – that university is very, very different from high school. I’m used to having homework every night and tests and quizzes every week to keep me on track. My course (BSc Media Studies and Sociology) has little coursework (our exams are in January and our essays are due in December) at the moment and so it’s 100% my responsibility to go to class and do my reading. After the events of freshers’ week (oh, freshers’ week….), finding that motivation was quite hard, but creating a routine for myself has helped a lot: I allocate certain days for specific classes and that way I have a set schedule and days off to look forward to. What also helps is that I actually like – no, love – my classes; American high schools aren’t specialized and so I’ve never really had much freedom when choosing what I’m learning about. I thought doing my reading would seem like a chore (like the petty homework assignments and worksheets I was given in high school), but I actually like choosing which and how many sources I want to read. I feel like I’m learning something, not just doing busywork.

That being said, I am very much looking forward to reading week (We’re almost there, guys! Not that I’m counting the days….).

Also: last Friday was my 18th birthday and that means that if you are reading this you have to buy me a drink.

I’m serious.

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