
Is ‘good enough’ good enough?

So revision time is upon us.  I can’t say I’m overjoyed.  I don’t like being away from my lovely classmates for so long.  I mainly learn by discussing things, and my eyes go funny if I try to read for more than about ten minutes in one go.

Also, I’ve become convinced that the exams I have coming up are the most important thing in the whole world.  This is strange, as I’ve done many exams before.  None of them seems to have affected my life and I can’t even remember what I got in most of them.

On the other hand, I do believe that if you’re going to do something, you may as well do it well.  Certainly I have no interest in becoming a mediocre speech and language therapist.  But it must be possible to take these things too far, right?

No-one ever said ‘if you’re going to do something, you may as well do it to the exclusion of all other activities’.  I have exams, but I also have friends and a family and a girlfriend and a weekend job.  And I’d prefer not to make myself ill.

I’ve decided not to do the best I possibly can on these.  It’s been an incredibly difficult decision to make, but I think I’m finally there.  I’m still working for them.  I’ll do as well as I reasonably can.  The worst that can happen is that I’ll have to do them again.  Even if that happens, though, I won’t be unemployed and friendless and unwell with stress, so it could have been worse.

People have been telling me for years that ‘good enough’ was good enough.  I feel like quite the achiever for finally understanding what they meant.  Here’s to moderation, perspective and good health.

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