Terror of impending scores.
To celebrate completing my first year placement and (terrifying) clinical exam, I have spent three days almost entirely sitting in my flat in my pants with the curtains closed. My main activities have been, in no particular order: watching TED talks, worrying about results, and making iced tea. I experimented with feeling horrendously ill, but I didn’t like it and have now stopped. I’ve planned some creative projects, but they’ll have to wait. My schedule this week is packed too tight with cool baths and ice lollies and worrying a bit more about results.
I’d like to retract the measured tone and good humour of my last post. Contrary to what has been implied in the past, it is not the valuable learning experience that matters. Making friends who will be at my 100th birthday party has not been a significant part of the year. Finding my happiness and confidence is as nothing. It all comes down to a short list of numbers expressed as percentages. That is all.