Tag Archive: holidays
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    Exams are over…for the mean time. Thank God. In addition to several others, I spent my time celebrating the end-of-January-exams raving with friends almost everyday for two weeks. With my bank statement arriving in a few days time the only thought going through my mind every night is the morning when I wake up and walk cautiously down the stairs to the post box and drip in sweat whilst I open a  letter that reads my bank balance and shout out loud, “AH HELL NO!” But as I am sure it was highly worth it. Now students are eagerly waiting or have received their great results for their exams or courseworks. Best of luck to those still waiting for their exam results. Undoubtedly, the Christmas period was surely one of the busiest times of the year for students as we had to balance exam revision and coursework deadlines with family festivities. Certainly, the same commitments will be reflected in the post spring period in time for EVEN MORE EXAMS. Nonetheless the hard work will most definitely pay off as it will be one great step to our preeminent careers in the future after we graduate from a University epitomising high prestige and honour. However, it is back to waking up early for those dreadful 9 a.m starts although we get to socialise with our friends on a more regular basis during lectures and play ‘Angry Birds’. I did not type that. No lecturers saw that previous line. Also paying less for pints with Saddler’s back open.

    Valentines day also just passed and in my personal and most honest opinion, I think it is a waste of time, a day of sheer stupidity, and only retailers benefit. With 365 days available in a year, why do people show their affection for loved ones only on one day? It should be everyday where people shows their beloved one (and if you are a player then it is beloved ONE’S) the highly anticipated affection they should truly receive. Thus the idea behind Valentines should be everyday and not an event in the calendar. I may have sounded cynical but it is what I personally think.

    With winter almost drawing its curtains summer is also just round the corner and as I am sure, most people are subscribing themselves gym memberships and exercising into shape to look for that ideal beach body.

    Arman out.