Our projects


This page will tell you more about some of our ongoing projects.


Pregnant women

  • Breech babies.  What support do women with a breech baby want and need?  This research is led by Shawn Walker (more information on Shawn here and here).
  • Mental health. How can we best help women who have a mental illness during and after pregnancy?  This research is led by Dr Louise Phillips (more information on Louise here and here).
  • Physical activity. There are lots of benefits to keeping physically active during pregnancy, but many pregnant women struggle to know what activities are best.  We are interested in helping women keep active and want to know what support women want.  This research is led by Dr Ellinor Olander (more information on Ellinor here and here).


  • Postnatal health.  We have many projects focusing on maternal health.  One of these is the HABiT (Health After Birth Trial) study (more information on the HABiT study here).

Children and their families

  • Gastrostomy feeding. How can health professionals support parents and their children regarding gastrostomy feeding? This research is led by Dr Gill Craig (more information on Gill here).
  • Pre-term babies.  How can we improve care for families with very preterm babies? This reserach is led by Dr Alexandra Sawyer (more information on Alexandra here).