Each One Teach One – An African Proverb

Have you ever heard of the phrase each one teach one?  I believe in the African proverb Each One Teach One. This proverb originated during slavery times in America when slaves were denied an education and when one slave learnt how to read or write, it became their duty to teach someone else.

Following the tragic death of George Floyd in the United States, and the subsequent protests still going on around the world, you may think that racism is just a United States issue, but here in the UK we have suffered similarly.  I remember my mother telling me about being the only African child in her school in Scotland and the racism she suffered, then moving to London in the mid-60s and seeing signs outside shops that read No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs. Do not be shocked and think this was just in London; actually, it was all over the UK.

Thankfully, those signs are no longer around and we have moved forward, but there is still more to be done.

Being an African Caribbean woman living in London I felt compelled to do something, to look at ways in which I could provide a better understanding of what is going on with regards to the Black Lives Matter Movement for those attending schools, colleges and sixth form. I received this educational resource about the Black Lives Matter Movement, and other issues surrounding people of colour, and wanted to share this with you all.

KS5 Black Lives Matter

This workbook is just a drop in the ocean, there is so much more information out there, use this as a steppingstone to increase your knowledge.  African / Caribbean History does not start at slavery, we have a rich history before that period in time.

And remember, each one teach one. Pass it on.

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