The Micro-Placement Programme provides students with the opportunity to undertake a placement in an area that is not traditionally associated with their degree. Students experience real-life exposure to the work environment which allows them to gain experience and enhance their skills.


Application Process

I applied during the first year of my law degree as I was keen on undertaking work experience. I wanted to not only add to my CV but also gain an understanding of the business environment. The process required me to attend a workshop where I was provided with advice on how to make my application stand out as well as etiquette when sending out emails and meeting professional people.

Next, I had to submit an application. This required me to answer questions such as why I wanted to participate in the programme and what type of project I was keen to undertake. I was successful in the application process and had to attend an interview with a course leader and a member of the careers team. This was nerve-wracking, but by preparing well for interviews, one always has a chance to succeed.

After attending the interview, I then attended an assessment centre. Here, I was assessed on my behaviour and ability to work with others. I really enjoyed the fact that whether or not I succeeded in the final stage, I would be provided with a report from Gradcore which highlighted my strengths and weaknesses. This would give me advice on how to tackle my weaknesses in the future.

I was successful in the process and was offered an opportunity to participate in the micro-placement programme. As a result, I attended a workshop to gain an understanding on how the projects would be distributed and how to prepare for the interviews that would be scheduled by the employer.

However, due to Covid, the programme had been stopped as employers were unsure of how to deliver the project. I was offered the chance to be fast-tracked into the next year where the micro-placement would be credit bearing. This meant that I would need to complete coursework as this module would be assessed.



I applied for various projects which were not traditionally associated to my degree. The project that stood out for me was Content Writer for an education company. I loved working with young children as I used to work as a Tutor so to continue to work in the education sector really sparked my interest.

I was successful enough for the employer to short-list me once he read my CV and Cover Letter. This meant scheduling an interview where the employer discussed the project in more depth and gain an understanding about me. I was thrilled to be offered the role as I really liked the sound of the project so was thus very excited for the summer to come.

During my project, I created a bank of formative maths questions at different levels for students in primary schools. This meant I had to be creative in coming up with questions but also had to meet tight deadlines and manage my tasks effectively.


Outcome of the Project

The project had come to an end in June, but I was given the opportunity to work part-time for the company in creating summative questions for primary schools. I was amazed at hearing that the employer was offering me a job as it highlighted my hard work and dedication. I took on the offer as I really enjoyed working for the company and could also work from home where I could carry on completing my coursework.

The micro-placement provides students the opportunity to develop new skills but also strengthen your skills. For example, the placement allowed me to develop my project management skills. This was a skill that I never developed, and the placement enabled me to create multiple questions and be able to see the progress of my work. It was a great feeling to feel responsible for my work and acknowledge that students in primary school will be answering my questions.

The micro-placement programme provides students the opportunity to explore different career paths. It’s an exciting way to build connections with employers but also gain professional experience.


Written by Anisa, third-year Law LLB student at The City Law School

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