Even though it was a back in May I thought I would post a few clips of this term’s choir concert. It was held at St Clement’s, the same church as the Christmas concert, which is a beautiful old church near Old Street tube station. We sang Fauré’s Requiem and Cantique de Jean Racine along with The Beatitudes by Arvo Pärt. Here are a few clips I thought I would share with you all.
It was a lovely concert and my last one with the City University chamber choir. It has been a pleasure to sing in and I am very sad to be stopping but was happy to be able to take part in it during my time at City.
Watching these clips of my last choir concert made me reflect on my time at City and reminded me of some of the great things I’ve taken part in.
I have some great memories from our Christmas Cabarets, the annual Christmas party the music department has. It’s a great event, with food, drink, people making music and our famous staff v student quiz! The best thing about it is everyone from the department gets together so is a really good chance to spend time with your friends and get to know others in the department even better!
Another thing I’ve loved about City is the diversity of the modules. It’s a really good chance to not only choose all the aspects of music you are really interested in but also to try out new things you wouldn’t always go for. When I came to uni I had never done any music technology or even spent time in a recording studio but after having a taster of it in first year I decided to take studio composition in my second year, I debated whether to take it as I really didn’t know how I’d find it but it was a really great module to take. It gave me a great grounding in different music software (I learned so much about Logic which I had never even used before uni) as well as opening my eyes to other ways of composing and how to take my own recordings and manipulate sounds. To compliment this module I took Sound Recording and Studio Techniques which gave me a good grounding in how to use the recording studio.
This module was the probably the biggest surprise to me as I had never done anything like it before but I think my favorite module has been Sound, Music and the Moving Image, I have always found film music very interesting so I really enjoyed this module and found myself looking forward to every lecture – a cool opportunity we had along with this module was the chance to see a screening of the silent film “Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans” with live accompaniment from Neil Brand (who did a great series for the bbc called The Sound of Cinema, watch it if you can!) and who has accompanied silent films for nearly 30 years.
I enjoyed the module so much I decided to have an attempt at composing myself so took Composing for the Moving Image in my third year which was great and I had an added bonus chance of attending a live Q&A talk with the acclaimed film composer Patrick Doyle.
I also have some great memories from performing, especially all my concerts with Gamelan and also African Dance and Drumming, a highlight of which was playing Samba at the London Marathon which had such a great atmosphere. Of course, I have also loved having the opportunity to take performance which has meant having a series of solo performances on flute, my main instrument, throughout my three years at City.
Overall I feel lucky to have had the opportunities to try out such a range of new things and experiences. I’m really going to miss City!
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