The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

‘Spectacular Environmentalisms’ issue of Environmental Communication co-edited by Jo now published

A special issue of the journal Environmental Communication, ‘Spectacular Environmentalisms: Media, Knowledge and the Framing of Ecological Politics’ guest edited by Jo Littler together with Michael K. Goodman, Dan Brockington and Maxwell Boykoff has just been published. The issue was an outcome of an AHRC Research Network Award that Jo, Michael and Dan collaborated on…

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Marisol interviewed for

Marisol Sandoval was interviewed for, a blog dedicated to exploring the full potential of co-operatives today. Insights from will be fed back to the national UK Congress and to Co-ops UK. Marisol spoke about her research on worker co-operatives in the cultural sector and why co-ops offer an inspiring alternative to precarious and…

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Jo appointed as an Editor of European Journal of Cultural Studies

Jo Littler has been appointed as one of the new editors of The European Journal of Cultural Studies. EJCS, published by Sage, is a major international, peer-reviewed journal that promotes a broad-ranging conception of cultural studies rooted in lived experience. The journal is an interdisciplinary platform for charting new questions and new research, publishing articles…

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Black Artists and Modernism

Diana Yeh has been invited as a key participant in running a study day on the artist Li Yuan-chia at the Stuart Hall Library, London in November, as a part of the AHRC-funded Black Artists & Modernism (BAM) project. The three-year research project is a collaboration between University of the Arts London and Middlesex University and addresses…

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International Asian Art in London event and documentary film

Diana Yeh will be participating in the international Asian Art in London event in November by giving a lecture on the translocal art of Li Yuan-chia at the Richard Saltoun Gallery. The talk will accompany the first Li Yuan-chia retrospective in the UK in fifteen years, which Diana curated, and which will be showing until…

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Diana contributes to Footprints television documentary series

Diana Yeh was interviewed for Footprints, a television documentary series, for Los Angeles based Phoenix Television, about her book The Happy Hsiungs: Performing China and the Struggle for Modernity (Hong Kong University Press 2014). This was the first book to bring to light the forgotten histories of Shih-I Hsiung, who shot to worldwide fame in…

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Andy talks to India’s future leaders

Andy gave a presentation to Chevening Gurukul Leadership Programme fellows visiting from India, the event was organised by KCL’s India Institute. The fellows are all mid-career professionals from India. They are all invited as India’s future leaders, who are invited to learn from cutting edge practice in the field. Andy and co-panelists  Rachel Harris (Director Festivals,…

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Andy’s Impact with the British Council on Creative Hubs

Andy Pratt has been working on issues associated with ‘creative hubs’ and the cultural economy for some time. Several of the case studies for the AHRC Creative Works London project touched on this issue. Andy has joined with with Jon Dovey , Director of the REACT creative hub, and colleagues  -Tarek Virani (CWL), Janet Merkel…

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Ros: more advice on neoliberalism

Professor Rosalind Gill is on the Advisory Board for a conference on Neoliberalism in the Anglophone World that will take place in Montpelier, France in march 2017. Working with Simon Dawes,  Nicholas Gane, Srila Roy and others she is currently reviewing the large number of abstracts submitted. Ros will be giving a plenary talk  at…

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Ros invited to speak ICA San Diego

Ros has been invited to speak on media and neoliberalism at the International Communications Association’s annual conference in San Diego next May. Her talk will put the case for understanding the cultures of neoliberalism and also its psychic life. There will be a publication in a volume of the same name edited by Marian Meyers…

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