The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

George Morgan: academic visitor

George Morgan has returned for his second year of a visiting fellowship at CCI and we are delighted to welcome him back. George is based at the University of Western Sydney and is author of many books and articles on urban cultures, aboriginal politics and young people in the cultural and creative industries. He also…

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The Dynamics of Virtual Work

The new book series,  The Dynamics of Virtual Work, which CCI’s Rosalind Gill co-edits for Palgrave, is going from strength to strength both in terms of sales and interest from authors in publishing in the series.  The editors at Palgrave said last week that it is one of the most vibrant and successful series they…

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Farewell EU Cost

Our 4 year EU COST award came to an end in September 2016 with a final conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.  The Action, concerned with how work is changing in the digital age, has comprised more than 25 meetings, workshops and summer schools across and beyond Europe. For the closing meeting  Ros organised a panel on…

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Ros gives keynote at Cambridge University

CCI’s Rosalind Gill gave the closing keynote at the Politics of Beauty conference at the University of Cambridge on September 3rd, focussing on her work on mobile phone apps concerned with monitoring, improving and surveilling appearance.  The keynote closed an excellent – and truly transnational and interdisciplinary  – event in which other speakers  includedMimi Nguyen,…

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Andy and Jenny contribute to the newly launched UNESCO Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development

The Global Report, “Culture: Urban Future” explores the role of culture for sustainable urban development. UNESCO officially launched it in Quito as a core contribution of the Organization to the Habitat III Conference on Habitat and Sustainable Urban Development, which gathers Heads of State, Ministers, Mayors from all around the world, actors of the international…

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Lisa Adkins talks ‘Speculative Futures In The Time Of Debt’ on 2nd Nov

All are welcome to a talk by Professor Lisa Adkins on  Wednesday 2nd November 2016, 5pm, AG21, College Building. It’s called ‘Speculative Futures In The Time Of Debt’ and here is a description: This paper concerns the temporality of debt. Against the claim that the society of debt has emptied out futures via the elevation…

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BSA Race and Ethnicity Studies Workshop and Mentoring Scheme

Diana Yeh was a discussant during a workshop co-organised by the BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group and the BSA Postgraduate Forum. The event brought together early career researchers with more experienced researchers within the field of race and ethnicity studies and to launch the Race and Ethnicity Study Group’s new mentoring scheme. Panel sessions,…

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Inter-American Development Bank reaches out to culture

Andy was invited to Washington DC this week (Oct 4th) to speak with experts at the Inter-American Development Bank about extending their strategic investment into the cultural economy. The main event was an initiative called ‘Demand solutions’ which was a show case and celebration of creative innovation. The special networking meeting was held the next…

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Welcome Dr Suzanne Burke

CCI today welcomes Dr Suzanne Burke who is on sabbatical from the University of the West Indies. At UWI she teaches on a masters programme on cultural policy, and she does research on carnival, cultural policy and on cultural clusters. Suzanne has a prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship to fund her visit to City for this academic…

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Li Yuan-chia Retrospective, 4 October–25 November, 2016

Diana Yeh is curating the first Li Yuan-chia retrospective in the UK in fifteen years. Li Yuan-chia is an under-recognised artist, whose significance is currently being discovered, as a pioneer of ‘Chinese’ abstract and conceptual art, despite his translocal history. Diana has conducted several years of fieldwork on Li, tracing his life and artistic work…

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