The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Jo writes article for The Guardian on meritocracy

Dr Jo Littler from CCI had an article published in The Guardian newspaper this Monday. The article, ‘Meritocracy: the great delusion that ingrains inequality’ drew on work from her forthcoming book  which is out in August. The article can be read here  

Jenny gives an inaugural lecture at the Centre for Arts La Regenta

On March 23rd, Jenny Mbaye was invited to open up a series of seminars with an inaugural lecture at the Centro de Arte La Regenta (Las Palmas, Gran Canaria). Coordinated by visual artist and researcher, José Otero, this sphere of reflection entitled ‘Cosmopolitics: World citizenship, Identity and Globalisation’ invites sociologists, ethnomusicologists, historians and philosophers to…

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Janet gives a keynote on Creative Greece Conference in Athens

On March 2, Janet delivered a keynote at the Creative Greece conference in Athens which was organised by the Department of Economic and Regional Development at Panteion University in Athens. The conference brought together PhDs and scholars from Greece working in the field of cultural studies, economics, geography and sociology as well as representatives from…

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Jo talks on ‘brutal billionaires’ and merit at Winchester

Dr Jo Littler from CCI travelled to the University of Winchester this week, where she gave a paper entitled ‘Brutal billionaires and the cultural reconstruction of merit’. The paper drew on her forthcoming book Against Meritocracy: Culture, Power and Myths of Mobility, which is due to be published by Routledge in August. After the talk…

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CCI and policy advice

Andy Pratt has been invited to be on a high-level expert panel giving evidence on the creative industries the Industrial Strategy Commission. The Industrial Strategy Commission is an independent, authoritative inquiry into the development of a new, long-term industrial strategy for the UK. Chaired by leading British economist Dame Kate Barker, the Industrial Strategy Commission is…

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Strategizing in the cultural and creative industries

Andy wants to congratulate Jonathan Gander on his new book: ‘Strategizing in the cultural and creative industries’ just published by Routledge. Andy supervised Jonathan’s PhD some time ago (on the impact of the transition from analogue to digital recording on the music industry). Jonathan who has a background in teaching management has used this book to merge his two…

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British East Asian representation in the CCIs

Diana Yeh was recently invited to give a talk on British East Asian representation in the creative and cultural industries at the Chinese for Labour New Year Gala event. She discussed the specific challenges faced by British East Asian cultural producers past and present in the context of wider racial and class inequalities in the…

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China Changing

Diana Yeh was recently invited to participate in the Southbank Centre’s international China Changing festival. She spoke about her book The Happy Hsiungs: Performing China and the Struggle for Modernity at the event, ‘Re-imagining a West End hit’, partly inspired by her book, in which UK-based creative hub Moongate Productions embarked on a contemporary reimagining of…

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Going Global with the British Council

Andy has been invited to present his  research on Creative Hubs commissioned by the British Council (22-24 May). The panel will include presentations on Hubs globally, including Vietnam (whom Andy has been advising regarding their creative hubs strategy). Going Global, the British Council’s annual open forum for leaders of international higher and further education. The conference offers…

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Enculturing the city of Hull

Andy is giving a keynote at the ‘spaces and flows’ conference: Eighth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 12-13 October 2017, University of Hull, Hull, UK. This year’s focus is “Enculturing the City”, which is appropriate as Hull is the UK’s current City of Culture.

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