The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

London’s Ghost stations

Postdoctoral research fellow Cecilia Dinardi, an expert on cities and culture has written a short article for ‘The conversation’ on the plan to sell off London’s disused tube stations:   Why disused London tube stations should not just be sold to the highest bidder London has more than 40 “ghost” underground stations that are…

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The future of Cities and Culture

In what has turned out to be a very busy week Andy is very pleased to announce a new publication. Andy was commissioned by the UK Government Office for Science Foresight Committee on the Future of Cities to write a paper on Cities and Culture. (click to download here). The Foresight programme seeks to provide…

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Controversies and contradictions around creativity in cities

Andy contributed to a two day workshop held at WZB research centre in Berlin on creative cities. The event was chaired by Prof. Michael Hutter who runs a research programme on the cultural sources of newness at WZB. The event attracted contributors from across Europe.  Andy’s paper was called ‘Creativity + City? Some dis-connections in…

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Andy speaks to London’s planners

On Oct 21st Andy Pratt gave a presentation on “Arts, culture and urban  regeneration’ to the Arts and Cultural Forum a strategic alliance of London Local planning officers who were discussing arts and culture in new communities, place making and urban development. The meeting was chaired by Paul Martin the Chief executive of Wandsworth (who…

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Prof Klaus Kunzman, tuesday 17.30 Room AG21 (St John Street entrance)

Just a reminder of the first CCI annual international lecture with renowned speaker. Prof. Klaus R. Kunzmann. ‘Creativity and Urban Development: Culture, competitiveness, social inclusion and sustainable development’ The creative paradigm has excited policy makers, policy advisors and academic researchers alike.  They expected that making superficial use of the creative paradigm in urban marketing campaigns would…

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International comparative mapping of the creative industries

NESTA have awarded for the project of £30K concerned with an international measure of the creative industries, Andy Pratt, a leading expert of the measurement of the creative industries, and the international analysis of the cultural economy, is part of this team. The project is led by NIESR (national institute of economic and social research)….

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Andy’s new publication in Italian

Andy has just had a paper published, co-authored with Marianna D’Ovidio who is based at Dip. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università Milano – Bicocca. The paper ‘Which culture for the creative city?’ contributes to a particular debate in Milan at the moment. Milan hosts the World Expo in 2015 and this paper, based on a seminar held…

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BDSM and Popular Culture – Event on 22 October 2014 5-7pm

A session organized by the Gender & Sexualities Research Forum (GSRF) at City University London Venue: Room D427 (4th floor, Social Sciences Building: Speakers: Ummni Khan and Meg John Barker Presentations will be followed by discussion and refreshments All welcome! No need to book. ••• Ummni Khan Perverts In The Spotlight: How SM Subculture Becomes Palatable Pop…

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SASS Research Students’ Society is hosting a coffee morning on the 30th of October

Student-led initiative, SASS Research Students’ Society, established by two CCI PhD students (Kate and Aysegul), has announced its next event to be a colloquial, informal and fun coffee morning with three speakers talking informally about their experiences teaching as PhD students. The speakers will address what kind of opportunities exist and how to find them, how…

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SASS Research Students’ Society Autumn 2014 Events

SASS Research Students’ Society, created in January 2014, is a student-led Arts & Social Sciences PhD Researchers Professional Development & Networking Society, established by two CCI PhD students, Aysegul Kesimoglu and Kate Mattocks. The aim of the society is to foster the professional/career and personal development of research students and to create a platform for them to meet each other…

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