
Translated versions

The City Birth Trauma Scale is available in Chinese, Croatian, Danish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Persian, Portuguese (Brasilian and European), Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish which can be downloaded below. The scale is also being translated into Arabic, Czech, Estonian, Hindi, Kannada, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Russain, Slovene and other languages so these will be available in future. To find out when new translations are available please subscribe to our email updates or contact us.

The version for fathers and birth partners is currently available in French, German and Portuguese and is being translated into Hebrew and Turkish.

If you are interested in translating the scale into another language please contact us and we would be happy to discuss this with you. All translated versions must follow standard methods for translation (e.g. World Health Organisation Guidelines), use the City Birth Trauma Scale template, and be free to use under a Creative Commons or similar license. A copy must also be provided to City, University of London, to distribute.

Citations for translated versions:

If you publish research using translated versions of the City Birth Trauma Scale please make sure you cite the authors by using the full citation of the article. These are listed under publications for versions that have been published. If you want to use a translated version that has not yet been published please contact us for information about the authors.

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