Work package |
Work package title |
Type of activity |
Lead |
WP1 |
System Specifications |
WP2 |
Development of GPR system |
WP3 |
Development of Thermography system |
WP4 |
Development of ACU system |
WP5 |
Development of an integrated scanner system |
WP6 |
Software Integration |
WP7 |
Laboratory and field trials – tests |
WP8 |
Technology transfer to SMEs, Dissemination and Exploitation |
WP9 |
Project Management |
The overall objectives of WP1 “System Specifications” is to develop the baseline of the project in terms of:
The determination of the current pavement inspection techniques and roads maintenance policies.
The definition of the operational specifications in order to cover the maximum range of infrastructures scenarios and various types of roads.
To agree among the partners and in consultation with the end-user, upon the overall system specification for the integrated NDT system, which is both feasible in terms of project resources and desirable in terms of prompt NDT assessment of pavements and bridge decks.
Specifications of the different NDT sensors from the point of view of performance, requirements, accuracy and frequency of measurements.
To propose an appropriate choice of sites that will be diagnosed and assessed, in order to apply the NDT developed system.
The overall objective of WP2 is to develop a quantitative GPR system, with the capability to detect adjacent layers of similar materials and a standardized set of procedures for GPR testing and analysis. This objective comprises:
To develop an appropriate GPR system.
To develop a standardized procedure for the development of the GPR system, easily employed in different tests and circumstances.
To determine the essential procedure parameters.
To build a sensor prototype that can be easily integrated in the overall system architecture.
The overall objective of WP3 is to develop an advanced thermographic system (IRT) that can assess the level of damage and detect defects on pavements. In this sense, the objectives are:
To develop an appropriate Thermography system
To develop a standardized procedure for the development of the Thermography system, easily employed in different tests and circumstances.
To determine the essential procedure parameters
To build a sensor prototype that can be easily integrated in the overall system architecture.
The overall objective of WP4 is to develop an advanced ACU system that can detect defects such as voids, cracks and dis-bonds with high accuracy and at high acquisition rates, more specifically:
To develop an appropriate ACU system.
To determine the essential procedure parameters.
To build the sensors and associated sensor system capable of delivering reliable information and address the deterioration of the signal through the air.
The overall objective of WP5 is to develop an integrated scanner system. The project quests for efficient, practical and feasible designs in order to assure for adequate inspections of pavements. Moreover, the selected design will employ an iterative procedure to manage all constraints regarding hardware, manufacture, sensors integration, dynamics and intact performance in relation to weather and environmental conditions, with particular emphasis to traffic conditions. This overall objective is comprised of the following sub-objectives:
Integrated design- initial phase.
Determination of the specifications for the hardware components.
System integration with NDT developed approaches and sensors.
Development of a user friendly man-machine interface.
Final sensor system through iterative design and testing.
The overall objective of WP6 is to provide the integrated software for (i) the management of the system, both on board and real time data transfer to the Central Control Unit and (ii) advanced image post-processing analysis.
Development a set of algorithms to ensure the appropriate conditions for communications between the NDT sensors, positioning sensor and on-board PC.
Provide Real Time data transfer to the Central Control Unit.
Development of the command and control software.
Development a set of algorithms for combined analysis of metadata, measurements data and positioning data.
Development of advanced data processing tools and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for signal/image post-processing and easy control of the system.
Final design through an iterative procedure.
The overall objective of WP7 is to support the work done in previous WPs of RPB HealTec project in terms of validation and feasibility. In this way, certain issues related to the Development and Integration WPs of the project will be addressed. This work package contains two different types of testing:
To test the NDT approaches for pavements monitoring and assessment in the laboratory and in-situ.
To demonstrate the performance of the automated scanner by employing the developed NDT approaches.
In the context of a productive effort, validation is a very crucial process since it can assess whether the developed sensors and integrated system are able to address adequately the pre-defined requirements that were set in the beginning of the RPB HealTec project. To ensure the achievement of those goals and in order to provide a proved and highly optimised prototype, the RPB HealTec system, as mentioned in the Integration WP employs an iterative procedure to manage all constraints regarding sensors and system design.
WP8 will be led by the Exploitation Board, formed by one representative from each SMEs, but also RTDs and the End-Users will take an active role in the execution of all the tasks. The aim of the first task is the appropriate knowledge transfer from the RTDs to the SMEs of the developments achieved during the project, and not just at the end of the project. The other three tasks are designed to address:
Intellectual Property Management.
Disseminate the scientific and academic background concerning the RPB HealTec Concept.
To compile the agreed strategy for exploiting the project results by the SMEs.
To carry out appropriate and market-oriented dissemination activities as a key part of the overall success of the project.
The objective of WP9 is to provide the overall management and coordination to the RPB HealTec project:
Establishment of the consortium agreement
Optimisation of the application of resources by creating an appropriate management framework, linking together all project components
Responsibility for the communication issues within the consortium
Controlling of project progress and time schedules
Review of milestones and deliverables
Ensuring that all aspects of the EC requirements for communication and reporting are met