Learning Success now offers Dyslexia Support at the Bunhill Row campus of Cass Business School, in addition to the provision offered at the University main campus at Northampton Square. These sessions are available fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons:
- 50 minute bookable sessions starting at 2pm and 3pm, which can be used for:
a) Screening appointments for students who feel they may have dyslexia or another learning difference and wish to investigate further.
b) Registration appointments for students who have already been formally identified with dyslexia or another learning difference.
c) Study Skills Support Sessions for students already registered with Dyslexia Services.
- A drop-in session from 4-5pm which can be accessed by both students and staff for any queries related to Learning Success provision (which also includes Disability Services, Student Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Academic Learning Support).
The next dates for these sessions, held in room 3011, are:
(1) Tues 22nd Jan
(2) Tues 5th Feb
(3) Tues 19th Feb
(4) Tues 5th March
(5) Tues 19th March
(6) Tues 2nd April
To book a 2pm or 3pm session, please phone the Learning Success reception desk on 020 7040 0246 and request a Cass session.
Alternatively, you can access 10-15minutes per person in the drop-in sessions without pre-booking. Availability will be offered on a first come, first served basis.
Further information on the services offered by Learning Success is available at:
- Intranet site: https://intranet.city.ac.uk/students/learning-success/
- Learning Success Moodle site: bit.ly/learning-success
Departmental video ‘Introduction to Learning Success’: bit.ly/RNsidw
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