
Academic Skills Team

Monthly Archives: October 2013

Academic Writing Workshops, weeks 1-3


So far, the workshops have looked at understanding your assignment, assignment structure, and time management and procrastination.

The handouts are on our moodle course, in the ‘Workshop materials’ section. If you haven’t already enrolled on the course, you’ll be automatically asked to enrol when you look at the handouts.

If you can’t make it to the workshops, I’ve created some videos which contain the slides from the workshop, plus a recorded commentary to explain what they mean.

Week 1: understanding your assignment

Week 2: assignment structure

No week 3 yet due to storm destruction! In the meantime, any comments are welcome.

PS Is having the workshops 13:00 – 14:00 ok for most people? If there are other times which would be more suitable, please let me know here, or via or @CityUniLS.



Academic Writing Workshops, October-November 2013


All workshops will take place between 1:00 and 1:50 at the Northampton Square campus. No booking is necessary: you can simply turn up on the day

The handouts will be available on moodle:, and the workshops are suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students

The schedule is as follows:

Date Subject Location
Wednesday 9/10/13 Understanding Your Assignment C303
Friday 11/10/13 Understanding Your Assignment C303
Wednesday 16/10/13 Assignment Structure C303
Friday 18/10/13 Assignment Structure C303
Wednesday 23/10/13 Time Management & Procrastination C303
Friday 25/10/13 Time Management & Procrastination C303
Wednesday 30/10/13 Note-taking C303
Friday 1/11/13 Note-taking C303
Wednesday 6/11/13 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences C302
Friday 8/11/13 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences C303
Wednesday 13/11/13 Critical Reading & Thinking C303
Friday 15/11/13 Critical Reading & Thinking C303
Wednesday 20/11/13 Referencing & Plagiarism C303
Friday 22/11/13 Referencing & Plagiarism C303
Wednesday 27/11/13 Memory Techniques & Revision C303
Friday 29/11/13 Memory Techniques & Revision C303

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