Research Updates


November 2021 Update
Pregnancy MAP finished recruiting! We have over 2,000 women from England and Scotland helping us with the Pregnancy MAP study and completing questionnaires for us online and by post. A HUGE thank you to all the women taking part. We look forward to following your pregnancy and birth journey with you 🙂


MAP Beginnings interviewed 41 women who were pregnant or had a newborn baby between July 2019 and January 2020. These women gave us their views on different ways of assessing anxiety, as well as telling us about their experiences of perinatal mental health assessment. A huge thank you to all the women who took part. The results of MAP Beginnings will be available soon.

Pregnancy MAP has recruited over 2,000 women in early pregnancy through NHS hospitals in England and Scotland in 2020 – 2021.

Maternity MAP will be conducted in 2022-2023 in pilot NHS sites in England and Scotland. If you are interested in being a pilot site or being involved in stakeholder consultations please contact us on