
Centre for Maternal and Child Health Research

Research tools

We have a range of questionnaires and research tools that are freely available to download or use on request. These include:

City Infant Faces 

City Infant Faces is a database of standardised photographs of baby faces showing different emotions. These have been categorised into positive, negative and neutral emotions and can be used in studies of the perception of infant emotions. The City Infant Faces database has been validated and is available on request for research use only (contact us).

The City Birth Trauma Scale (CityBiTS)

The CityBiTS is a questionnaire measure of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth. This questionnaire measures symptoms and diagnosis of PTSD according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. It also includes items from DSM-4 that research suggests are discriminative when diagnosing postnatal PTSD. Available on request (contact us).

The City Mental Illness Stigma Scale (CityMISS)

The CityMISS is a questionnaire measure of perceived stigma for mental illness in pregnancy and postpartum. It is available on request (contact us).

Support and Control in Birth Scale (SCIB)

The SCIB measures control during birth and perceived support from health professionals. It has 3 subscales: support from healthcare professionals, perceived internal control, and perceived external control. Validated versions are available in English, German and Turkish:
SCIB – English version
SCIB – German version
SCIB – Turkish version

Preterm Birth Experiences and Satisfaction Scale (P-BESS)

The P-BESS measures experiences and satisfaction with care during the birth of a preterm baby. It can be used with mothers and fathers. Validated versions are available to download in English. A Portuguese version is currently being validated so will be available soon.
P-BESS English version

Birth Memory and Recall Questionnaire (BirthMARQ)

The BirthMARQ measures women’s memories of birth and aspects of recall. It has 5 subscales of: (1) emotional memories, (2) centrality of memories to self, (3) coherence of memories, (4) reliving of memories and (5) recall of memories. Validated versions are available to download in English. Persian and Czech versions are currently being validated so will be available soon.

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