Monthly Archives: December 2013

Alexander Karpeyev Presents Paper at International Conference in Moscow

In late October, DMA student Alexander Karpeev presented a paper entitled ‘New Light on Nikolay Medtner as Pianist and Composer’ at an international conference in Moscow dedicated to lives and creative output of Emil and Nikolay Medtners. The event was organised by the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, the Gnessin Institute of Music and the Glinka and Pushkin museums. In the course of three days, papers were presented by distinguished researchers from Russia, Sweden and Austria. Notable presenters included Christoph Flamm of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Magnus Ljunggren from Gothenburg University and Yelena Dolinskaya of Moscow Conservatoire. Sasha’s paper was well received and has led to an invitation to publish his work.

Ikuko Inoguchi presents lecture-recital to the Takemitsu Society

Ikuko Inoguchi presented her lecture-recital, “Performing Tōru Takemitsu’s Rain Tree Sketch: “A Sense of Time, A Sense of Space, and A Sensitivity to Colour and Tone,” on 13 November, 2013, at the Takemitsu Society concert held at the Schott store in London. After performing Rain Tree Sketch, Ikuko discussed the notion of time in this work and how to respond to it in performance. Following the analysis of the piece, showing how Takemitsu communicates the idea of natural cycles of water with his cyclical use of motif and pitch-class sets, she compared three recordings by Kazuoki Fujii (1982), Roger Woodward (1990), Peter Serkin (2000) and suggested that their choices of different tempi could have been the result of different tempo markings in three editions, based on her recent findings made upon her visit to Schott Japan Tokyo office in December 2012. After introducing the concept of ma she concluded her presentation by the discussion of how the performer can assimilate the aesthetic of ma in order to evoke the feel of cyclic time that Takemitsu had in mind in the listener’s perception.