Daily Archives: January 7, 2016

Medtner Study Day, 29th January 2016

City University Music Department’s alumnus Alexander Karpeyev has organised an international study day, Revealing Medtner: Emerging Research and Repertoire, which will take place at the British Library on 29 January 2016. The study day will be part of the International Medtner Festival, an unprecedented event comprising a series of concerts and masterclass dedicated to Medtner’s output. The festival is organised by Alexander, whose research topic for his DMA degree at City University was performance practice in the music of Medtner (1880-1951).

The study day is supported by the Royal Musical Association (http://www.rma.ac.uk/) and the British Library Sound Archive. Presenters include Nathan Uhl (Arizona State University), Bradley Emerson (University of Texas Austin), Wendelin Bitzan (Berlin University of Arts), Olga Paliy  (Royal Northern College of Music), Francis Pott  (University of West London), Hanna Choi (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland) and Satoru Takaku (Nihon University, Tokyo). At the end of the day, Christoph Flamm of the University of Music, Lübeck, will deliver a key-note speech Researching and Teaching, Playing and Preaching: What do we do with Medtner in the 21st Century? The study day is open to everyone. Delegates are kindly requested to register their interest at www.medtnerfest.wordpress.com.
