Meet the team

Research team

Dr. Angeliki Bogosian

Dr. Angeliki Bogosian is the Principal Investigator for the PACT project. She is a health psychologist with a lot of experience developing interventions for people with Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions.

Dr Catherine Hurt

Dr Catherine Hurt is a senior lecturer at City, University of London. She specialises in neurological conditions and has done extensive research with Parkinson’s disease around cognition, quality of life, and wellbeing.

Dr. Cathryn Pinto

Cathryn is a research fellow co-ordinating the trial for the PACT study. She has a background in psychology and has previously worked with people with neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and motor neurone disease.

Dr Jennie Brown

Jennie is a research fellow working on the PACT trial. Her research focuses on developing interventions to help improve mental wellbeing in people both with and without long-term conditions.

Dr. Simone Stumpf

Dr. Simone Stumpf is a Reader in responsible and interactive AI at the University of Glasgow. She has led the design and development of the PACT app.

Ricardo Volpato

Ricardo is a developer and researcher at the University of Glasgow, currently pursuing a PhD in trust between humans and machines at the University of Glasgow. He has played a key role in developing the PACT app.

Prof. Lance McCracken

Prof. Lance McCracken is a professor in clinical psychology at Uppsala University. He has extensive expertise in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and has previously developed and researched interventions using ACT for people with chronic pain.

Dr Sam Norton

Dr Sam Norton is a Reader in research methods and statistics at King’s College London. His research explores the interconnection between physical and mental health. He leads the analysis of trials of in-person and digital interventions to help people manage long-term conditions.

Dr. Patricia Cubi-Molla

Dr. Patricia Cubi-Molla is a senior principal economist at the office of health economics, UK. Her expertise is in the use of patient-reported outcomes in decision making and the evaluation of healthcare policies and services.

Sulayman Chowdhury

Sulayman is an economist at the office of health economics, UK. He has previous experience in researching technological innovations and their effects on the healthcare system and patient populations.

Augusto Cattorini

Augusto is a clinical psychologist and an industrial engineer. He is keen on exploring topics that involve technological interventions to assess mental health disorders and improve well-being.  As a result of his background, he is passionate about ‘Psychology meeting Technology’.