Category: Rail franchising

The Williams-Schapps Plan for Rail: Back to the Future?

Introduction On 20 May the Secretary for Transport, Grant Schapps, chose to launch the Government’s blueprint for the future structure of the rail system with a photo of himself posing alongside the Mallard (the world speed record holder for steam traction) at York Railway Museum. Nostalgia is certainly a prevalent theme in the rail sector…Continue Reading The Williams-Schapps Plan for Rail: Back to the Future?

Rail Franchises, Competition and Public Service

The UK rail network has undergone a series of massive restructuring exercises throughout its history. Having been run into the ground during the First World War the myriad Victorian era companies were rationalised into the ‘Big Four’ under the Railways Act 1921 but were still set up as joint stock public companies. After a few halcyon inter-war…Continue Reading Rail Franchises, Competition and Public Service

Seeing STARS again: Court of Appeal upholds High Court decision

As a postscript to the previous entry on the judicial review arising from the STAR project please note that the Court of Appeal has now upheld the decision of the High Court – albeit with some reservations: R (on the application of London Borough of Enfield) v Secretary of State for Transport [2016] EWCA Civ…Continue Reading Seeing STARS again: Court of Appeal upholds High Court decision


THE STAR PROJECT Enfield Borough Council recently sought judicial review of the terms upon which an Invitation to Tender (ITT) was issued for the East Anglia Franchise – London Borough of Enfield v Secretary of State for Transport [2015] EWHC 3758 (Admin) . The franchise includes a hitherto neglected stretch of track from Stratford to…Continue Reading SEEING STARS: RAIL FRANCHISING AGREEMENTS AND LEGITIMATE EXPECTATIONS