The Craft Collective is a tool that facilitates creation and curation in the community. Users create by submitting craft projects, capturing tutorial videos, and responding to craft projects with reviews and photographs of their work. Users curate by saving craft content for their own use and sharing it with friends.
As a group, we opted to demonstrate both our current and future user journeys by storyboards, because visualising the process is clearer way of communicating the user’s journey to an audience. I was responsible for creating the user journeys.
The current user journey was created based on one of the interviews we conducted during the user research phase. We chose to focus on the journey that one of our interviewees clearly walked us through. That particular interviewee was an individual who heavily influenced the creation of our secondary persona, so exhibiting her journey seemed to be very convenient.
At first, I sketched out the steps she took in the craft store, by using pen and paper. As a group, our aim was to clarify our user’s motivations, goals and pain points with our storyboard. Our initial draft focused on the search and purchase of craft materials.
After a session on refining the sketches, we decided to concentrate less on the commercial aspect and more on the general journey within the store. Then I produced the final version of the storyboard, digitally.
We based our future user journeys on our two personas. We picked two scenarios, one focusing on the CREATION of content, and the other focusing on the CURATION of content.
Our secondary persona, Alice, would be going into the store for inspiration and interacting with our platform to browse craft projects. We demonstrated the in-store installations (such as the 360° picture booth, and the tablet), as well as accessing the platform at home via a device of the user’s choice.
Our primary persona, Amber, would be creating content (a craft project) and sharing it with the community.
The creation of future user journeys went hand in hand with the wireframing process. The storyboards addressed, at a broader level, the functionality that the wireframes would be offering. Furthermore, the storyboards turned out to be immensely helpful in communicating our design idea, as well as how it would contribute to our community in terms of creating and curating content.
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