- Prepare sheet with a statement (use the template)
- Present to students
- Give students a sticker and ask them to put the sticker along the spectrum to show to What extent they agree or disagree with the statement (TRIGGER)
- In pairs, share where they put their sticker and why
- Open up to the class to share
- In groups get the students to decide where different thinkers/theories would be on the spectrum and why
What the activity achieves:
- Trigger to start off the seminar
- Requires each student to come up with own answer
- Encourages students to think about why they came up with their answer
- Helps students to become comfortable to share ideas as a group
- Shows the difference between opinion and argument
- Instead of using a sheet of paper, use the classroom space – ask students to stand on one side of the room if they agree, on other side if disagree and in the middle if somewhere in between
- Can use this for quick fire/re-cap questions, using multiple statements
Online synchronous version
- Prepare a PowerPoint slide as per the template.
- Ask students to contribute to a slide during a live session. Typing their name into a box and dragging and dropping it to place it along the spectrum. Alternatively the responses can by anonymous by replacing the name boxes with generic symbol.
- You can then follow up with a discussion.
Online asychronous version
- Ask students to add their name along a spectrum on a collaborative document as per the template. You might to ask them to also add a note to explain the reasoning behind their position on the spectrum.