
Introducing the bloggers: Arman

Hey what’s up all of my fellow SEMS students? Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening whenever you are reading this. I am Arman, official blogger of the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, where looking for girls is like playing a game of Where’s Waldo. First year student studying Electrical and Electronic engineering. I will be writing a piece for the blog at least once every three weeks. Will be looking forward to engaging and interacting with fellow students to write more for the blog.

From Wimbledon, south-west London. I have lived in London my entire life. My favourite parts of London are Chelsea, Knightsbridge, and South Kensington. The indulging atmosphere, contiguous parks, relaxed bars, and classy restaurants are definitely something to get involved in. Originally Indian. You should be able to tell from my skin tone. Dual national of UK and USA. I split my time between London and Los Angeles somewhat evenly. What are my hobbies or interests? I enjoy eating. Who doesn’t? My favourite cuisines in particular are: American, Argentinian, Brazilian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Mediterranean, Vietnamese, and Thai. Oh, and Nutella. Highly enthusiastic about sports and movies. Much looking forward to the eagerly anticipated action thrillers in October, Taken 2 and Skyfall. My favourite sports? Football, basketball, and tennis. Die hard Manchester United fan. No, I am not a glory hunter. I visited the Theatre of Dreams, Old Trafford, in August 2010 to watch the Paul Scholes testimonial. However, he came out of retirement 5 months later. Also an avid traveller. I’ve travelled to France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and USA. Really enjoyed Spain with Barcelona being my favourite city. A city boasting beautiful beaches, charismatic culture, scrumptious seafood, wonderful women, and a vibrant nightlife. Additionally I am of fond of photography. Landscapes are my forte. I hope you were at least reasonably entertained reading this. Much looking forward to meeting you all.

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