
Why I’m looking forward to reading week. Already.

I should have known something was wrong when the first week and a half of uni was surprisingly calm. “Wow, this isn’t even half as bad as I suspected,” I thought.

We’d been told how the second year was way harder than the first. “Pffff, they’re just trying to scare us; this is nothing.”

We were lured into a false sense of security until a Thursday afternoon, an afternoon just like every other, when we were dragged back to reality.

BOOM! “Here you go, suckers, three assignments in a week! Oh, you’d planned to relax this weekend? Too bad!”

Ok, so I might be over exaggerating just a tad, but that’s what it felt like; like an ambush.

Or maybe it was just the shock after lying around on the couch for three months and then suddenly having to do something productive.

Anyways, uni is busier than ever, but it’s quite good fun. Don’t get me wrong: I love uni. I just think we need to wake up from our summer slumber.

At least as a second year I know what to expect and don’t have to worry about getting lost every day on top of everything else. I remember how, when I started uni, I got a minor panic attack every time we got a new assignment. “Omg, how am I going to do this, I don’t know anything. I don’t even know why I’m here – I suck.”

The funny thing is I recognise that same scared expression on this year’s freshers; they look so confused and lost. Oh, how life flies by.

Anyways, I better get back to work. Thank god there’s only a few weeks left ‘till reading week.

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