
Electronic Publishing and Me

 Why is it that whenever someone asks what I’m studying, and I say “Electronic Publishing,” they always ask me what that means?

I mean, if I said I was studying “web design,” or “publishing and editing,” I don’t think I’d get this kind of response. Instead, I have to explain that Electronic Publishing is a mix of web design and publishing and editing.

But really, it’s much more than that. It’s also about learning how to create information architecture, and how to build web applications and work with multimedia and learn copywrite law and…well, you get the picture. Electronic Publishing, at its core, is an extremely versatile degree that can’t really be explained too easily. Which is why it’s perfect for me, because I have no idea what I’m doing once I graduate.

Now before you start thinking about how foolish that is, think about what that means! I am coming out of this with a multifaceted degree that opens up a whole slew of doors. Why would I limit myself right now with what kind of job I want to get? Obviously, I want to include writing and technology, but that leaves a lot on the table. I’m excited to see what opportunities are available.

In the past few years, I’ve learned that I have to find a job I enjoy, one where I feel fulfilled and engaged almost every day. I think that job satisfaction is far more important than the amount of money you end up making. To that end, working in the field of technology and writing combines my two favorite subjects. I just hope I can get a job that utilizes them well. Thank goodness that City has such a great track record with getting students employed!

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