
What am I doing with my life?

We’re now in reading week, which means we’ve been in uni five weeks, which means we’re halfway through our first term, which means we’ve completed 25 per cent of this academic year. Every day is an excruciating step closer to graduation, which means I’m going to have to grow up some time between now and next July. It’s bloody terrifying.

When I started my degree two years ago, graduation was a lifetime away. I had to gather all my strength and courage just to get through the first week, month and year; I wasn’t even thinking about life after City. Now I find myself wanting to slow things down. It’s going too fast. I’m not ready to be an adult yet.

When I started at City it was comforting to know I didn’t have to make a major decision for another three years. I’d spent so much energy on deciding to come to London and making it happen, that I could finally take a deep breath. I could postpone the future for a little while longer. But time is running out. Once again I’m faced with having to make a crucial decision deciding my future life.

Over the last few months I’ve seemed to come to the soothing conclusion of doing a two-year masters degree in Norway. Which means I’ll get to go home and hug trees on a daily basis, which means I’ll be paying £5 for a loaf of bread, and which means I’ll have another two years to decide what I’m going to do with my life. Phew.

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