Parabeln der Pflege in University of Chester Forum Magazine


Cover of the German version of Parables of Care

Cover of the German version of Parables of Care

Following our release of the German version of Parables of Care on 24 January 2019, The University of Chester Forum Magazine published a one-page piece about it, on page number 8, with the title “Creative responses to dementia care now available in German” [PDF].

The text reads:


A BOOK representing creative responsesto dementia care, through carers’ eyes and produced in a new visual format by a collaboration including an academic from the University of Chester, is now available in Germany. Parables of Care. Creative Responses to Dementia Care, As Told by Carers is a research-based comic book, originally published in English in October 2017.

It has now been released in German, translated by Dr Andrea Hacker, from the Open Science Team at the University of Bern. The short comic book was created by Dr Simon Grennan, from the Department of Art and Design, University of Chester; Dr Ernesto Priego, from the Centre for Human Computer Interaction Design, City, University of London and Dr Peter Wilkins from Douglas College, Vancouver, Canada.

The book includes 14 informative and touching stories, drawn by Simon with Christopher Sperandio, which were adapted by more than 100 case studies of real-life dementia care situations described by a range of carers. These case studies in which the comic book is based are available at

The small international team looked to expand the accessibility of this archive of carers’ stories and found that by creating short graphic art stories they could portray the emotion conveyed in these situations. Each story involves only four panels and is just one page long. Unlike clinical descriptions, this form enhances the affective aspects of each story, putting the reader at the centre of situations that are often on the verge of incomprehensibility, but which are all resolved. In this respect, each story is universalised and becomes a parable. The book is available open access to dementia carers and the general public as part of ongoing engagement, training and development programmes at City, University of London, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and The Faculty of Health Sciences at Douglas College, Vancouver, Canada Vancouver.

Download Parables of Care (original English version) from City Research Online,City, University of London:

Download Parabeln der Pflege. Kreative Reaktionen in der Demenzpflege, von Pflegenden erzählt [Parables of Care German version] from City Research Online, City, University of London:

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